Amiwest is the premier Amiga-focused show in North America. Amiwest has provided a haven for like-minded individuals to come and celebrate all things in the Amiverse: Commodore Amiga's, Emulation, Aros, AmigaOS 4, and MorphOS . The show has become a yearly event in the community, with many new product announcements and introductions expected. Over the years, the show has seen Amiga companies come and go. Our goal has to be to create an environment for the community to come together and share ideas and AAA good times through it all.

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Show Schedule

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- Seminar Day: Friday, Oct 25th
- The A1222+ release saga - Steven Solie
- Charles presents his tricked out Amiga Collection - Charles Hofer
- Lunch -
- Dan talks about his passion for Gamming and the Amiga - Dan Salvato
- Hans talks about Kea Campus and Qemu - Hans De Ruiter
- Swap meet set up - bring your wears to sell or trade... Do you need 15 mice? -
- Swap meet -
- Swap meet -
- Show floor closed -

- Main Show Day 1: Saturday Oct 26th
- Broadcast start - youTube
- Show Opening - Bill Borsari
- News and annoucements from show sponsor A-Eon - Trevor Dickinson
- New products for sale at DiscretFX - Bill Panagouleas
- Lunch with Dave Haynie - Dave Haynie
- Interview with Jens Schönfeld discussing new products - Jens Schönfeld
- Rabbit Hole Computer products and projects - Alex Perez
- Show floor closing - Bill Borsari
- Amiwest 2024 evening event - SACC Presents
- Banquet Featured speaker asking and answering What is an Amiga in 2024? - Trevor Dickinson

- Main Show Day 2: Sunday Oct 27th
- Broadcast start - youTube
- Show Opening - Bill Borsari
- Interview with Stefan Nordlander and Mr.A of Enterlogic - Stefan Nordlander & Mr.A
- AmigaOS 4 Gaming - Bill Borsari
- Lunch -
- Interview with exhibitor TBD -
- Interview with exhibitor TBD -
- AmiWest Game Competition results and trophy presentation - Jerry Gray
- Live Stream wrap up - Bill Borsari
- Show Ending - Bill Borsari

Trevor Dickinson MD A-Eon
Trevor Dickinson
Trevor is well known for his infectious enthusiasm for all things Amiga. Having purchased an Amiga 2000 in 1988, he developed his passion for the Amiga and AmigaOS. He is a co-founder of A-Eon technologies which continues the Amiga story with new PPC based systems running OS4.1. Trevor is also a part-time Amiga journalist through this blog, articles in Amiga Future, and his newest partnership with David John Pleasance on the new book "From Vultures to Vampires - Commodore Amiga". Trevor is a long time friend and sponsor of AmiWest and we are thrilled to have him again this year..

Matthew Leaman
Matthew Leaman
As the owner of one of the biggest Amiga shops in the world, AmigaKit, Matthew has been long time supporter of AmiWest. Along with his retail efforts, Matthew works to bring new software and hardware products to the Amiga community.

Stefan Nordlander
Stefan Nordlander
Stefan has been part of the Amiga Community since the early 90's. Starting out playing games and coding BASIC on MSX and later AMOS on his A500 in the 80's he went on to caring for a complete collection of Amiga models. Including some rarities like the A3500T. Although these days a bit more minimalist, focusing on the values of Community and the awesome people in it. Arranging shows like 'AmiGBG' and events with 'Syntax Society' whenever life permits. In 2012 he teamed up with the amazing hardware engineer MrA. They became instant friends and through Enterlogic - 'From Sweden with Love'; they offer mainly DIY projects like 'Easy Amy' (OCS), 'Denise' (ECS) and the upcoming 'Alicia 1200' (AGA) Mini-ITX boards.

Steven Solie
Steven Solie
Steven Solie has been on the AmigaOS development team for over a decade and has been the lead for most of that time. Most recently he has been working as the ExecSG lead developer. He is an expert C++ developer who is highly respected by his peers. Steve leads the DevCon days at AmiWest (which were sadly removed from the schedule this year). He has a passion for the AmigaOS and vision for the future of the platform.

Charles Hofer
Charles Hofer
I am an Amiga-a-holic! My affliction, addiction, passion all started in 1988 when I told a friend of mine who was living in the UK for a while that I was ready to plunk down $2500 on a 386 EGA PC. He told me to check out an Amiga first! I walked into a Commodore store and I saw Maxine Headroom and the Newtek demo. I had to ask the guy there if that was a tape playing. I purchased an Amiga 2000HD. In 1994 the same friend found me a used A4000D loaded and that has now grown into a collection of fifteen Amigas. I have one of the highest Cisco Certification, the CCIE attained in 2009. I am a Network Architect where I design, modify, and merge networks for fortune 500 companies. I started CH Technologies, LLC as my primary business as a Network Architect and VMs. When people ask me what do you do? I say, "I build highways for the Internet but I also know how to build cars (PCs) to run on it."

Jens Schönfeld
Jens Schönfeld
Jens has been into home computing and technology from a very young age. His systems include: Sinclair ZX81 at age 9, C64 at age 11, and Amiga at age 14. He took on his first hardware project at age 15! Jens studied electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen and started iComp in 1994. The first product was developed in 1995 and released 1996 (Graffiti). iComp was converted to a GmbH in late 2006, and licensed the Commodore brand in 2016. iComp now has a total of 9 employees in Germany and the Netherlands with customers in 67 countries. The USA represents over 13% of total revenue. You can find his wonderful products at

Doug Compton
Doug Compton
Doug started the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast in 2018. To date he has produced over 100 videoes and has attended a number of Amiga shows. You can follow his work on

Hans de Ruiter
Hans de Ruiter
I am an electrical & electronic engineer from New Zealand, with a Ph.D. in applied science/engineering from the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. As can be expected, many of my interests are computer and engineering related. However, I also enjoy hiking and the outdoors. Playing violin and piano are also spare time hobbies of mine.

Alex Perez Rabbit Hole Computing
Alex Perez
Alex owns and operations Rabbit Hole Computing, based in Northern California, manufactures computer storage solutions for legacy computer systems, which utilize Small Computer Systems Interface technology.

Bill Borsari
Bill Borsari
Bill has not missed an AmiWest yet. In addition to broadcasting the show in some form or another for the last 24 years, he organized the incredible Amiga 30th at the Computer History Museum. Work has begun on an Amiga 35th event when COVID struck. The Amiga 35th will happen, just a year or two late. When not planning, attending, or broadcasting Amiga events, Bill like to play golf and spend time with his family.

Jerry Gray
Jerry Gray
Jerry is the SACC VP and has taken a larger role in organizing the AmiWest event. Jerry is a development manager for the County of Sacramento working on a broad spectrum of projects. Jerry is an avid Amiga user and has instilled the love of technology in his two boys. AmiWest has become a family affair with his sons using 3D printing to create amazing trophy's for the AmiWest game competition winners. Keep an eye out for this years competition

AmiWest 2024 starts in:

Past shows: 2022| 2023
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