Amiwest is the premier Amiga-focused show in North America. Amiwest has provided a haven for like-minded individuals to come and celebrate all things in the Amiverse: Commodore Amiga's, Emulation, Aros, AmigaOS 4, and MorphOS . The show has become a yearly event in the community, with many new product announcements and introductions expected. Over the years, the show has seen Amiga companies come and go. Our goal has to be to create an environment for the community to come together and share ideas and AAA good times through it all.

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Amiwest Broadcast page

AmiWest 2023 will be LIVE STREAMED

Welcome to Amiwest Broadcast information page. Like years past we will broadcast using Youtube Live. Here are the links for each of the different days and the banquet:

In 2022 we had serious issues with the hotel network. We are working with the property to address those issues. At this point I don't know if we will be successful. I will work to keep the stream running, even if we need to reduce the quality. This year there will also be a local recording which I can upload if needed.
Thank you, Bill

For AmigaOS 4 users, see below for instructions for ways to access the stream.

If you wish to contribute to the Amiwest Broadcast (seperate from the SACC group) please click the donate button below:

Tuning in

The plan is we will stream the event using Youtube live. We encourage people to tune in and enage with our speakers durning the for Q and A sessions. Engagement can happen on the youtube chat, via AmigaWorld IRC on channel #amiwest, and now Amigans Discord on #amiwest.

Watching via AmigaOS 4

For AmigaOS 4 users there are two options: YT.rexx and AIOStreams.

For YT.rexx download and install the YT.rexx tool and FFMPEG to watch youtube live steams. We have posted the YT.rexx docs to help folks get set up.

For AIOStream, developed by Amiwest 2020 speaker George Sokianos, the package can be found here on OS4Depot and uses the built in Amiga Python, python ssl, Mplayer, and FFplayer from FFmpeg. Once installed execution is simple:
  1. Open a shell
  2. Navigate to the aiostream directory
  3. Execute: python -u YouTube-URL

AmiWest 2024 starts in:

Past shows: 2022| 2023
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